Using Fake Grass During Droughts

The world is facing a water crisis in unprecedented proportions. We, humans, have altered the balance of nature by our desire for conquest of everything that befalls our vision. Today, the era of humans is at its peak and the death of Mother Earth is imminent. But Earth will not go alone, it will take humans with it. The rapidly changing climates, disastrous flooding, arid droughts, rising sea levels, and crackling earthquakes have roared to humankind that its damages have its consequences. Thus, we are at the precipice of fight or flight. Either we take action or we doom ourselves with our sinking planet. Conservationists propose multiple measures on global, regional, local, and individual levels to promote greener living. Mundane things like the garden you cultivate outside your home could be the reason the world is doomed to the climate crisis. Live grass guzzles some 2,200 liters per square meter annually. Add that up and the number of water waste is appalling! However, despite this fact, people care about the aesthetic value of a green garden and hesitate to any declaration against it. A brilliant alternative is being implemented in the form of artificial, drought-resistant grass for landscaping.

What is a drought?

A drought is an extended period of continued dry weather that leads to damaged crops and a shortage of water supplies.  It attacks the essence of human life: water and food. Climate change has increased the severity and the duration of droughts, especially in the areas around the equator. Due to the overuse of natural resources by over-populated cities, the frequency of droughts has skyrocketed. Conservation is essential.

Fake Grass as a water conservation tool

Fake grass in Sydney

Gardening is not common knowledge. A typical garden consumed millions of gallons of water on its own, but it is often doubled by the overwatering tendencies of people. According to the EPA Environmental Protection Agency, 1/3rd of all household water usage is dedicated simply to their lawns! That is an egregious amount of water. If you replace this lawn with fake grass in Sydney or frass, you have a lawn that does not need water, except for the occasional upkeep! Because of this factor, this grass is often advertised as drought-resistant grass.

It is unrealistic to expect people to weed out and mow down their lawns just to protect the environment. No one wants their children running around on a drab ground. Fake grass has barely any upkeep and never loses its aesthetic quality! One can have a beautifully manicured lawn without the need for excessive water, time, or chemicals. The fake grass doesn’t depend on the climate or drought, and is always looking prim and proper and lively! You save up on money too if you have been paying exorbitant water bills! With one simple replacement, millions of gallons of water can be saved annually.

While there are many proponents of fake grass usage, there are critics as well. Some people have voiced complaints about the need to wash the animal waste off the grass with water and thus question the conservative value of the grass. Some grass purists insist that replacing real grass with fake one is an affront to nature. It does not provide the same mental peace that natural greenery offers and also does nothing to contribute to photosynthesis and carbon dioxide absorption.

Indeed, there is never a true alternative to nature, we must make sacrifices to limit or hopefully reverse the damage we have inflicted upon it. Fake grass is often made from recycled plastics. Producing it, distributing it, and installing it are all labor-intensive activities and thus as an industry, it produces jobs. It saves water, keeps the beauty of the landscape intact, flourishes the economy, and protects the Earth simultaneously!

It’s a cost-efficient, water-conserving, and drought-resistant package that requires little to no maintenance so you can stay inside on the driest of days. Conserve water, install artificial grass. It’s going to be one big win for your household and the environment!

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